Sweetly cinnamon, MadeGood Snickerdoodle Soft Baked Mini Cookies are made from wholesome ingredients, including gluten-free flour and vegetable extracts that deliver nutrients from six different vegetable nutrients. These bite-size cookies are the perfect treat for all occasions: the office, school lunches, late-night snacks, and more! These allergy-friendly snacks are free from the most common allergens and made in a dedicated nut-free facility. Enjoy Soft Baked Cookies on the go or for a delicious dessert, these cookies are for all ages and occasions.
Delicious and organic Sweet Cinnamon cookies made with gluten-free flour and vegetable extracts.
MadeGood Soft Baked Mini Cookies are made in a peanut and tree nut-free facility and made with wholesome ingredients, perfect for sharing.
Everyone can enjoy these nut-free, gluten-free, non-GMO, organic, vegan, and kosher treats.
Contains the nutrients from six different vegetable extracts.
These granola bars are really delicious and healthy it's an ideal snack for kids to have good source of nutrients.
Being diagnosed with celicas disease, it's been super difficult to find a snack similar to my favorite goldfish. These are better!!! I am now able to enjoy my favorite childhood snack!!! ❤❤
This snack is a great pick me up snack for when you need a little bit of crunch. Its the perfect portion for an on the go snack between meals.
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MadeGood Sweet Cinnamon Soft Baked Mini Cookies | Organic, non-GMO Snacks