Nous pensons que vous aimerez ceux-ci
I don't feel guilty with 1 bag. Just enough to satisfy sugar craving
You suprised me. I’ve had your snacks before at amazon when I worked there. Often we would host mini snack offerings to celebrate the Christmas packing season. But. I hated them. It was just not good tasting soft cookies.
I swore they were the grossest thing and never again.
COSTCO had these little balls from a purple bag. On sample. And I had one more out of curiosity and cuz it looked a lot better than the soft baked bland cookies that honestly tasted half cooked through (I felt they tasted like raw cookies)
Surprised I not only liked it (cuz it was firm) but it wasn’t overly sweet and YOU DID NOT USE FAKE SUGARS LIKE SPLENDA/STEVIA and all those nasty harmful fake stuff. You used real ingredients. So. I bought a bag. 😆I had 4 on the way home from Costco on the trains.
Please make salted caramel oatmeal balls. With the huge sea salt flake type.
A small but mighty package. The bites are good and certainly fill a hungry need. They are good to throw into a bag for an emergency snack.
Ce que disent nos amis
Ces barres granola sont vraiment délicieuses et saines ; c'est un en-cas idéal pour les enfants qui y trouvent une bonne source de nutriments.
Depuis que j'ai été diagnostiqué avec la maladie de Celica, il a été très difficile de trouver une collation semblable à mon poisson rouge préféré. Ceux-ci sont meilleurs ! !! Je suis maintenant en mesure de profiter de ma collation d'enfance préférée !!! ❤❤
Cette collation est un excellent en-cas pour les moments où vous avez besoin d'un peu de croquant. C'est la portion parfaite pour une collation sur le pouce entre les repas.